Member-only story
Dancing on Moonbeams
a poem

I used to be able to fly.
I danced upon moonbeams,
Leapt through the sky,
Butterflies, twists, promenades.
My legs gracefully glided
Carrying me toward the stars
To the sound of the bodhran
Tin whistle and fiddle.
My spirit was free.
Time has slowed me down,
And my legs ache every night,
I see wrinkles etch into my skin,
Like frost on window glass,
My knees crack and my hips hurt.
I can’t fly like I used to —
Only in my dreams.
I used to be able to dance, light as a feather upon a spring breeze.
I can’t fly like I used to —
Only in my dreams,
And for now that’s good enough for me.