
Brigit Callaghan Stacey
2 min readFeb 23, 2021
Linda Hinton

An icy gust burned his weather-beaten cheeks. Under his skin, redness poked through. Like a ripe berry drooping on a low bush nearly touching the ground. Up and down the asphalt he walked. Up and down. Zigzagging between traffic. Shoulders sore. Nails brittle. Bits and pieces of last night’s dinner caught between the hairs on his chin. It had still been hot when the BMW driver threw it out of his car. A crinkled up fast-food bag, soaked in grease. But the chicken sandwich was…



Brigit Callaghan Stacey

Storyteller from Chicago. Loves writing about motherhood, romance & everyday magic. Follow me at & Instagram BrigitStacey.